To get the longest life out of pipes and fittings, you should strongly consider using stainless steel fittings. It’s simply a proven fact that fittings made of steel are built to last--many times realizing longevity over the pipes which they hold together.
Replacing fittings in difficult areas
Facts like these are especially important when work needs to be done in areas that are difficult to access. Installation behind heavy machinery or in walls otherwise hard to reach is a prime example of where stainless steel fittings are definitely worth their weight. If you’ve ever had to repair fittings in a difficult to reach place, you’ll understand why using quality, long lasting parts from the get go is so important.
Don’t cut corners by using lesser quality fittings
Many an operation that has been temporarily shut down due to leaking fittings has learned the hard way that the few dollars initially thought saved by using a lesser quality fitting was money ill spent. Why? Well they just don’t last as long. Period.
Installation Parts Supply—Stainless Steel Fittings Experts
Use the best fittings from the beginning. Order stainless steel fittings from Installation Parts Supply and benefit from some of the best fittings currently on the market.